Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Necessity in Fort Lauderdale Criminal Lawyers

By Sonya Kaufman

Pleading guilty to a crime without seeking professional advice from a lawyer first is perhaps the worst thing that a convicted person can do. You will find people admitting guilt even if law enforcers haven't informed them of their rights. It can be damaging to a person's life if he or she is accused and found guilty of a criminal offense.

Regardless of the severity of the crime, you will need the help of a criminal lawyer when charges are pressed. Even if the defense lawyer is not going to give representation in court, consultation will help the defendant know the nature of the complaints filed, the possible plea bargain to be offered, what to expect as well as the available defenses. This person can also guide you when it comes to suitable motions and such.

Depending on your offense, if hefty penalties await you, find yourself a criminal attorney. You can expect a court-appointed lawyer to work your case if you have no money to finance a personal lawyer. You always need to have the assistance of a legal practitioner when you are facing trial.

Since criminal cases are never the same, what you want is a lawyer that can see the distinct elements of your case and plan a defense suited to your needs. Your lawyer can lessen the impact of a crime if he is able to notice inconsistencies in the prosecutor's case. With all this, having a defense lawyer to represent you is a necessity.

Fort Lauderdale criminal lawyers have many functions. They deal with witnesses from the prosecutor's end and those that are present for your defense. If there is a chance for a deal to be agreed upon, this will also be handled by your attorney.

What you have in this case is a potential plea bargain. The plea bargain can be used to help the offender face less serious penalties. No offender can discuss a plea bargain with the prosecution if no defense attorney is present.

You should see to it that you hire a good lawyer to defend you since they can influence the sentencing program to help you out. If the case does not go your way, it is your lawyer who can help you get out of jail early. Rather than spend months in prison, your attorney can help you get a new sentence with less time.

Offenders still have rights and these are what great lawyers know by heart. The lawyer will also inform you about court conduct and the like. Aside from familiarizing the client with the legal system, the lawyer also finds a way to help lessen the penalties of an offense.

When it comes to cost, the rates of criminal defense lawyers greatly vary depending on the state, and the nature of the complaints filed. Simply put, the harder the case the higher the attorney's fees will be. As the case turns more complicated, the fees will be heftier.

The more competent your lawyer is, the better the turnout for your case. An attorney appointed by the court can help you out if you do not have the money to hire your own legal representative. Consider all viable options when you look for competent Fort Lauderdale criminal defense attorneys.

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Factors That Typically Affect the Legal Fees Charged By Criminal Defense Lawyers

By Timothy Murray

The legal fees that are charged by criminal defense lawyers are influenced by a number of factors. When lawyers are representing clients who are faced with criminal charges, the fees they will charge will be determined after some considerations have been factored in. Let us try to understand what these factors are. Let us also look into the important role they play in the determination of the legal fees that will have to be paid by the client.

It is worth mentioning, before going any further with this discussion, that fees for legal services are, in actual fact, not charged in a - totally arbitrary - manner (in most jurisdictions). It is different from your usual buyer-seller relationship, which is done on a basis where the seller charges any amount that he thinks the buyer is willing to pay. There are certain rules - the quanta of counsel remuneration - which governs the determination of the legal fees of lawyers. These rules have to be followed. The said rules tend to set minimums in terms of what lawyers can charge for their services.

The idea is to avoid a situation where some lawyers would end up undercutting their professional colleagues, making the profession lose its prestige (as lawyers start competing on 'price'). Although the minimum amount is set, there is no maximum amount that is specified. The lawyers can charge as high as they want. This has led to the known variations that we find in legal fees charged by different lawyers. In actual fact, the variations are brought about by the factors we are just about to look at.

In determining what to charge their clients, criminal defense lawyers typically look (first) at the types of cases the clients have. If you compare a murder case to a petty theft case, it is obvious that he would charge more for the murder case. Murder cases have the tendency to be more drawn out than, say, a case of robbery or theft. Furthermore, to prepare an adequate defense for such a case, the lawyer would have to undertake more research and generally do a lot of work to ensure that the client gets adequate representation. This is an obvious reason for the increase in the legal fees.

It is also important for the lawyer to note at which specific time or stage in the trial he was retained to represent his client and take over the mounting of the defense of his criminal case. It goes without saying that a lawyer who has been with the client since the beginning of the case will charge a higher fee than someone who came in a bit later.

It would also appear that, to some extent, the legal fees charged by criminal defense lawyers depend on the professional profiles of the respective lawyers. Compared to up-and-coming lawyers, high-profile lawyers are generally more highly-paid.

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Specialties of Business Litigation Attorneys

By James Phan

Hopefully you will never encounter any litigation in your business life, but let's face it, we live in a society that is happy to sue whenever possible. For this reason, there are many attorneys who specialize in business litigation law to defend those who are having a business dispute or help someone make a dispute or lawsuit.

The presence of a business lawyer is usually needed to draft contracts necessary for your business such as employee contracts, lease or rental contracts, business agreements, etc. His presence is also a must when mergers take place so he can draft documents and formalize the sale and transfer of assets in a legal manner. Bottom line, the function of the business lawyer is to ensure that all kinds of business transactions are above board, legal and binding and adheres to the laws of the land.

When the legality of the steps undertaken in finalizing the business contracts are questioned, a litigation is necessary to settle it. The process is usually like this:

Initial pleading is filed.

Motions (it is the requests that the judge do something like allow specific evidence)

Discovery (including interrogation and deposition)

Pre-trial conferences.


Rendering of judgment.


Business owners need to know about small claims court that deals with the minor lawsuits concerning everything from nuisance charges to minor money disputes. Generally, it is the first place where litigant will go when there is any kind of business issue.

A class action is another kind of litigation. It means that there's more than one complainant filing a case against you or your business. Usually, when it concerns the general public (toxic waste effects, securities fraud, etc.), the case can be a class action. There are litigation attorneys specializing in class action business lawsuits, and they defend the company and its rights against a group of complainants in the trial.

Business litigation attorneys must have mediation skills. Mediation is where two parties come together, represented by their respective lawyers, in an attempt to reach a settlement. Mediation is usually preferred to avoid a costly litigation.

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Understand Your Bankruptcy Rights With The Help Of A Bay Area Bankruptcy Lawyer

By Bob Albert Lewis

When a family is struggling to put food on the table due to paying out so many high debts, the time has come to consider making serious financial choices. One of the choices you might consider when you are struggling in debt is about choosing a Bay Area CA bankruptcy lawyer. Taking out time to learn more is essential to getting back to living financially free.

Finding someone who has had personal experience with a financial attorney is a good idea. Find out the details that could have a direct bearing on the choices you make about lawyers. Some details could never be found any other way than face to face encounters.

When you visit an attorney, your first visit should be to get to know that professional. Meeting with more than a couple of professionals is a good idea. Knowing you have a legal professional you feel comfortable with is extremely important.

In some cases, lawyers ask their clients to run errands for them or locate important documents for the case. You should know these are also the fly-by-night type of professionals who do not have your best interests in mind. Always make sure you choose a legal firm that takes care of all the aspects of your case for one fee before making final choices.

When discussing the details of your finances with your attorney, be sure to remain as honest as possible about everything. Your spending habits may be embarrassing to you, but making sure you tell every fine detail is extremely important. Establishing your case is easier for your attorney when he or she has plenty of facts to work with.

The Bay Area CA bankruptcy lawyer you choose can make a huge difference in a successful and legal bankrupt filing. Making sure you invest the time to locate only the legal professional you know for sure you can count on is important and worthwhile. Looking forward to regaining your financial freedom is worth all the time in the world.

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Straying Away From Your Business


If you seriously do not believe that the world owes you a living and you are willing to work for your money then why on earth would you want to work for someone else? I have included some of the best small business ideas for you to consider below:

1: Running a website or a internet based business - this does not mean you have to be a web guru. You do not need to be an expert in information technology, computers or how to build and manage websites. You want to identify exactly what it is that you are good at, what you enjoy doing and then focus your mind on ways to generate money from it.

You can learn from experts or you can find someone who has already built a internet based business and is seeking to sell it on. You may even consider an online franchise type business where much of the work has already been done for you and which can enable you to get up and running a lot sooner.

Small Business Success Tips

2: Writing articles for websites - once again you do not have to be a creative writing expert or a published author to write articles for websites. You don't even have to be particularly good at writing at all, let alone being adept at spelling and grammar! There is a demand for putting things together like useful resources, browsing through websites and compiling a list of the best small business ideas for example and various other opportunities that don't require a degree in writing!

3: Buying and selling products you use or are familiar with like clothing, shoes, antiques, auto spares and so on. You could learn how to use auction sites like Amazon or eBay to use for your small business venture. You could pick up things inexpensively at car boot sales or garage sales and then sell these for a profit on an auction site!

Best Small Business Ideas

4: Convert your hobbies or skills into a small business idea by working from home whether you use the internet or not. These could include small business ideas like:* Pet Grooming * House-sitting Holiday Homes * Craft Work, Painting, Pottery, Sewing * Baking, Cooking * Child Care * Proofreading, Reading * Translating Languages.

5: Think of local opportunities where a skill or service isn't being met. More often than not where a service is not being met there is no competition, which means consumers are likely to pay higher if this service is addressed locally. There could be a need for the following in your area: * Dry cleaner * Home & Commercial Cleaning Services * Window Cleaning *Recycling Service * Pet Walking * Web Design.

Once you have given careful thought to what kind of small business you would like to invest in, remember to do your market research and due diligence before making final decisions and committing yourself to any business.
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Monday, January 4, 2010


The NBER's Business Cycle Dating Committee has determined that a peak in business activity occurred in the U.S. economy in March 2001. A peak marks the end of an expansion and the beginning of a recession. The determination of a peak date in March is thus a determination that the expansion that began in March 1991 ended in March 2001 and a recession began. The expansion lasted exactly 10 years, the longest in the NBER's chronologyA recession is a significant decline in activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, visible in industrial production, employment, real income, and wholesale-retail trade.

A recession begins just after the economy reaches a peak of activity and ends as the economy reaches its trough. Between trough and peak, the economy is in an expansion. Expansion is the normal state of the economy; most recessions are brief and they have been rare in recent decades.Because a recession influences the economy broadly and is not confined to one sector, the committee emphasizes economy-wide measures of economic activity. The traditional role of the committee is to maintain a monthly chronology, so the committee refers almost exclusively to monthly indicators.

The committee gives relatively little weight to real GDP because it is only measured quarterly and it is subject to continuing, large revisionsThe broadest monthly indicator is employment in the entire economy. The committee generally also studies another monthly indicator of economy-wide activity, personal income less transfer payments, in real terms, adjusted for price changes. In addition, the committee refers to two indicators with coverage of manufacturing and goods:

(1) the volume of sales of the manufacturing and trade sectors stated in real terms, adjusted for price changes, and

(2) industrial production. The Bureau of Economic Analysis of the Commerce Department compiles the first and the Federal Reserve Board the second. Because manufacturing is a relatively small part of the economy, the movements of these indicators often differ from those reflecting other sectors.Although the four indicators described above are the most important measures considered by the NBER in developing its business cycle chronology, there is no fixed rule about which other measures contribute information to the process.A recession involves a substantial decline in output and employment. In the past 6 recessions, industrial production fell by an average of 4.6 percent and employment by 1.1 percent.

The Bureau waits until the data show whether or not a decline is large enough to qualify as a recession before declaring that a turning point in the economy is a true peak marking the onset of a recession.Figure 1 shows the recent movements of employment superimposed on the average movement over the past six recessions. Employment reached a peak in March 2001 and declined subsequently. The figure for October is the first to reflect the effects of the attacks of September 11.

Through October, the decline in employment has been similar to the average over the first 7 months of recessions. The cumulative decline is now about 0.7 percent, about two-thirds of the total decline in the average recession.Figure 2 shows industrial production. A peak occurred in September 2000 and the index declined over the next 12 months by close to 6 percent, surpassing the average decline in the earlier recessions of 4.6 percent. Figure 3 shows real manufacturing and trade sales. This measure reached a peak almost a year ago. Figure 4 shows the movements of real personal income less transfers. This measure has continued to rise in recent months and has not yet reached a peak

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